Look for The Light
The word ‘photography’ literally means ‘drawing with light’ and as a photographer my job is to look at the light in every scene I am about to capture. I have trained myself to look for the best possible light in every situation that I walk in to. The light will either make or break the photograph. When I first started photography I wasn’t exactly amazing at finding the best light. I understood that light plays a key role in creating amazing photos but I wasn’t sure where the best light always was. As I have grown and have had more experience I am able to find the best possible light that results in beautiful photographs. I realized that a lot of the same principals exist in life as they do in photography. It’s not always the easiest to find the ‘light’ in bad situations. However, if you are constantly training yourself to seek out the light and the positives you’ll often time find them without even trying. Right now there are a lot of things that are out of our control. However, our attitudes and dispositions are within what we have control over. During the midst of the storm or the grey, there is always light in our midst. If you start to practice looking for the good, for the light, it will be there, peeking out behind the clouds.
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that”