Welcome to the New Laura Bodnar Photography!


The day is finally here! The one I’ve been looking forward to before since the day I dreamed of becoming a photographer! The NEW Laura Bodnar Photography brand and website!

Since before I even started my business I had admired Kathryn of Creme Brands and the work that she does. I knew immediately that there was no one else that I wanted to create the new brand and home for LBP. She is incredible to work with and her gifts are out of this world amazing, but more importantly, she is a wonderful person.

Kathryn was able to create something that I couldn’t have even dreamed up myself. I am so grateful for her and her wisdom when it comes to design, heart work, and business.

I know that this brand and website will grow and adapt with me in the many years of business to come!

I pray that you see my heart for people and the work that the Lord has blessed me with and entrusted me to when you look through this site.

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